Monday, July 30, 2018

走畫南勢角...../sketching the street of Nan-Shi-Jau.....

40 cm x 18 cm - 07302018 - graphite pencil and watercolor
on Fabriano 140 lb paper

Monday, July 23, 2018

對街...../the other side of the street.....

38 cm x 26 cm - 07232018 - graphite pencil and watercolor on
Fabriano 140 lb paper

Saturday, July 7, 2018

中興路口轉彎,水彩...../at the turning spot of ChungXin Rd. in watercolor color...sketching the street of Taipei

35 cm x 14 cm - 07072018 - graphite pencil + watercolor on Fabriano 140 lb paper

中興路口轉彎...../at the turning sport of ChungXin Rd.....sketching the street of Taipei

40 cm x 18 cm - 07072018 - graphite pencil on Puli paper

早晨的街頭...../In the morning.....

29 cm x 18 cm - 07042018 - graphite pencil on Stonehenge kraft paper